10 Reasons Why You Are Awful at Managing Your Finances

Feeling a sense of unease about our finances is something that’s familiar to us all. Whether it be the day to day mundane chores of paying an exorbitant phone bill or car repayment, or the long term prospects of stock portfolio and superannuation savings, many of us succumb to our economic anxieties and push these responsibilities to the back of our minds. We’re far too busy today. Maybe next month.

Too often we conflate our external affluence with our internal self worth. Much of our apprehension and angst does not come from the realities of our financial prospects, but rather the way in which we think and feel about them.

At the moment we need to be most vigilant over our finances, it seems that many of us have given up hope.

The following is a list of ten reasons why today, you’re awful at managing your finances.

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