About Roadmapz Financial Planning

Roadmapz financial planning are about getting people from A-B. We use a map, so they don't get lost along the way.

We all start out thinking we are on the right track, but sometimes, life throws us roadblocks and we end up on a path that wasn't the one we thought we would end up on. Lets get you on the right track to the destination you want to end up.

If you keep on doing the same old same old - you’re going to end up with the same result!

Our job is to change all that.

 We work with clients with all sorts of needs…

  • Going backwards – needing to stop and make a plan
  • Those who are “flat lining”
  • Those who are making headway but need help accelerating the situation
  • Those who want more from life
  • Those who dream big

Our ROADMAPZ system is a mixture of computer software and personalised advice and guidance. Our goal is to help as many Kiwi's be financially strong. Our results are stunning. We are affordable and you will soon see how our mix of experience, knowledge and tenacity will save you money and help you accumulate wealth easier than before.

Principal Geoff Kloogh has spent his life working with people and their finances.  He understands that there is not enough education, or support for people to thrive, he wants to change all of that.  His passion is to work with people, whatever their level of income or debt, and use modern best practices and technology to fast track them to prosperity.

"Sorry to be frank , but in a nutshell we sort peoples “S….t” out. Whether its debt, savings or investment issues – we can sort it out.  Now, people might not like the fact their finances are not on track, but it doesn't mean it can't be fixed.  Get real, get help and get on track."